February 23, 2011

This so easy. I feel dirty

I'm talking of course about Python's pickle. Has anyone seen this thing? It just serializes anything at all. Any sort of internal or proprietary information you could possibly want to save or transfer is handled easily by this component. It's especially helpful if you're not really sure what format you want to use, you don't want to have to write out a schema for a new format, and really all you care about is efficiency. Just pickle it.

Serializing is as simple as this:

pdata = ("3", 1, "hello")
file = open("dumpedData.pkl", "w")
pickle.dump(pdata, file)

And de-serializing:

file = open("dumpedData.pkl", "r")
pdata = pickle.load(file)
print pdata
>>> ("3", 1, "hello")

That's it. No dealing with schemas. No custom parsing routines. Just nice, simple data persistence.

Love it.

December 18, 2008

GUID Sorting

I just found out (the hard way) that .Net and MSSQL sort GUIDs differently. Basically, the sql GUID only compares the last 6 bytes of the GUID where the .net GUID compares all 16 bytes. (MSDN: Working with GUIDs)

Here's what I was trying to do when I discovered this:

I had a collection of objects of type A. These Objects contained a field, A.Guid, that was of type GUID. I also had a collection of objects of type B. These objects also contained a GUID field called B.Guid. I needed to check if A.Guid == B.Guid for each object in both A and B. I didn't want to make my code O(n^2) so I decided to sort each collection. One of the collections was retrieved from an MSSQL database (collection B) and one already existed (collection A). So, I figured that I would just use an Order By command in my SQL query to sort collection B by GUID and the ArrayList.Sort command to sort collection A. Once the collections were sorted, I would simply iterate through one of the lists and compare the values of one list at the current index the values of the other list at the same index (this isn't exactly what I did, but it's pretty close).

As you may have guessed, this didn't work out. However, once I changed the algorithm so that both A and B were using the same sort function, everything worked out perfectly.

So, what I'm trying to say here to save people the frustration I just experienced:


Ps. I was using .Net 3.5

December 2, 2008

WPF Routed Events: Tunneling and Bubbling

So in case you haven’t heard, a few years ago when Microsoft released the .Net Framework 3.0 it also introduced a new graphical subsystem that’s supposed to eventually replace it’s aging GDI based WinForms. This new framework is known as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Some applications are currently using some of its features such as Microsoft Office 2007, Internet Explorer 7, and Windows Vista. WPF is a HUGE project, and attempting to explain what it’s all about could take years, so to see a quick demo that shows a small sliver of what is possible with this new foundation check out this link: WPF Demo

So anyways, I’ve been messing around with WPF a little bit lately and I’m starting to absolutely love it. Everything is so extensible and very easy to use. I think that the hardest part about the whole thing is that there’s just so much to it and there’s a huge learning curve when you first start out (it took me about 8 hours to make a basic control for god’s sake), but once you eventually learn some of the basics, it’s a really cool, powerful system.

One thing that I especially liked that’s new in the .Net Framework 3.0 and WPF is the concept of routed events. Routed events are, essentially, events that are sent (i.e. routed) from one control to another through the control hierarchy. Each routed event has a routing strategy associated with it. The routing strategy tells the routed event where it should be routed to and in what way. There are two main routing strategies that I’ve used so far:

- Bubbling: I think bubbling is the easiest strategy to understand. Essentially, when a bubbling event is raised the event “bubbles” up through the hierarchy of controls. So, for example, assume a button exists inside a grid, and the grid exists inside a window kind of like in the following diagram:

When the button is clicked, a routed event will be raised and will bubble up through the control hierarchy. So, in this example, the button will raise the event, and then route it to the grid, and then the grid will route it to the window. This event can be caught at any level of this hierarchy.

- Tunneling: Tunneling is also a very basic concept, but can be extremely useful. Tunneling is essentially the opposite of bubbling. When a control raises an event, the event starts at the root of the hierarchy and is routed down to the control. Consider the same example as before with the button inside the grid, inside the window:

When the button is clicked, it first raises a PreviewMouseDown event. This event is sent down through the hierarchy, starting at the root, until it eventually reaches the button that called the event.

All routed events have a handled property. In most cases, when the handled property is set to true, any handlers for that event that have not already been called will be skipped. This can be overrided by setting the handledEventsToo property to true when the handler is added. Any handler that has handledEventsToo as true will handle all events of its type regardless of whether or not the event has already been handled.

Many of the WPF controls have events that are exactly the same except for their routing strategy. The tunneled version is usually with ‘Preview’ (ex. PreviewMouseDown) by convention. The two events both share the same handled property so if a preview event’s handled property was set to true at some point, then when the regular event is raised its handled property will also be set to true. Usually, the tunneled event is raised and handled in the same class. This took me a second or third read to understand fully. The reason that the tunneled event is raised and handled in the same class is to allow the preview event to be passed down through the entire hierarchy (remember that a tunneled event starts at the root and gets routed down) before the actual event is raised. This is a way to notify the parent controls that an event is about to be raised before it actually is raised. This may sound redundant but it can be an extremely useful. For example, suppose you have a button that closes a dialog that contains vital information. The dialog can be set up to intercept a Button.PreviewMouseDown event. When the event is intercepted, the dialog can use the routed event arguments to figure out which button was pressed, and it can know that the user wishes to close the window. The dialog can then create a prompt the user if they want to save their changes first and call the appropriate functions.

There are some very obvious benefits to this routed event architecture. The first pro to this type of event is object composition, which is specific to WPF. Since objects can be composed inside each other very easily in WPF, there is no way of telling which control an event was called on if the old, direct event handling methods are used. For example, if I button has an Image object inside of it and the user clicks on the image, the routed event would simply be a mouse down event. If the user does not want to add functionality for clicking on the image, the user could just intercept the tunneled event route and handle all button clicks before the event gets to the image, or catch the image click event and handle it as a button click.

Another great advantage to routed events is that there is no longer a need for event handlers for each control of a specific type. Suppose there are three buttons in a container (yes, no, cancel). The container only needs to handle a single Button.Clicked and it can use the routed event args parameter of the handler to figure out which button was clicked. This encapsulates all the code for an event into one handler. This can also be useful if there are many instances of the same type of object in a container that all do the same thing (i.e. close buttons on tabs).

So, routed events are awesome. Here’s a diagram that shows the basic path of a routed event (excluding some parts of the visual and logical trees):

October 6, 2008

What's up?

My name's Robin Vierich. I'm currently a 2nd year student at the University of Waterloo studying Computer Engineering with Co-op. I haven't decided entirely what I'm going to be specializing in yet, but for now I'm taking a lot of software-oriented courses and co-op positions and I think I'll probably end up somewhere in software. I'm starting up this blog to try to reach out to other new programmers and share some of the things that I've learned during my co-op experiences and other projects that I've done on the side that I wish I would have known years ago.

A lot of the posts here are going to be based around some key fundamental concepts that I've learned (mostly in the workplace) about good programming design and practice. I've made some serious mistakes in the past which I'll try to share as well if I can suck up my pride enough to admit them.

I'm also going to try to keep this mostly information based rather than opinion based. I'm not a pro.. yet.. so I'm not going to act like one.

I'll try to update at least once a week. New posts will probably be a lot more frequent while I'm on co-op than while I'm at school because first of all, I have WAY more extra time on co-op, and secondly I feel like co-op is where you learn real development. School is good if you like the fairy dust-filled, fantasy clouds of computer science made up of conceptualizations and algorithms, but co-op is where you do the real work. I've found that I've learned more in my first month of my current co-op position than I have in my entire high school and university career. Now, I realize I am only in second year, but I still think that the real software design and practical programming concepts are learned in the workplace and these are the concepts I wish I had known from the beginning.

Enjoy the blog,